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If a customer visits your store again after making a purchase, it means that you have already met their basic requirements. From now on, you need to continuously improve your services to provide reasons for these customers to continue trading with your store. In this aspect, you can operate in the following ways:

No one's input is as crucial as that of your consumers, as they are the target audience and their reviews reflect their authentic experiences. There are certain aspects that you, as a business owner, cannot personally experience, but you can make improvements based on their insights. Customers will also appreciate your dedication, thereby increasing their favorability towards you.

For example, consumers who only buy jeans and not trousers can be labeled as "J"; consumers who only buy items on promotion can be labeled as "Th"; and consumers who only buy new products can be labeled as "T". Once the customers are classified, you can easily send different information to different customers based on these labels, such as providing news on promotional items for frugal customers and news on product upgrades for fashion-conscious consumers.


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