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亿赢ins粉丝营销网获悉,英国NatWest银行研究发现,在黑色星期五期间,社交网站是诈骗者 容易针对的目标。其中诈骗者 为活跃的网站是Facebook Marketplace,该网站与Instagram、eBay和Gumtree(英国 大分类信息网站)位居前四。


研究发现,社交网站上 常见的诈骗手段是先以大幅折扣价宣传商品,然后要求买家通过银行预支货款。尤其是在年末购物季期间,因为这个时候往往有大规模的折扣和促销活动,以及大批消费者的涌入。


数据显示,在9月1日至11月2日期间,Facebook Marketplace上报告了1,000多起欺诈事件,另有391起投诉了Instagram。eBay与Gumtree相差无几,分别有170起和153起。

Data show that between September 1 and November 2, more than 1000 fraud incidents were reported on Facebook marketplace, and another 391 complaints were filed against instagram. EBay is almost the same as gumtree, with 170 and 153 cases respectively.wholesale fb,free fb likes no survey





In addition, NatWest also found that more than 1800 smart technology products for sale are using "low security" applications, which will expose users to the risk of privacy data exposure. Such products include smart doorbells, wireless cameras, sirens and tablets - often cheap and high-quality imitations of well-known brands.wholesale fb,free fb likes no survey





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