Instagram 粉丝关注 eBay卖家被无故封号!无解释、无赔偿,引发争议!50 likes for Instagram,buy i

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据悉,当 eBay暂停一个账户时,所有产品Listing都会从该账户中清除,且无法恢复。卖家只能通过第三方上架工具或在 eBay 卖家中心内重新上架所有商品。而无论哪种方式,重新上架这些已结束的商品都需要一定的时间和精力,如果在多个平台上销售,一些卖家甚至可能需要重新确认库存状态,更不用说在此期间损失掉的潜在订单。

It is reported that when eBay suspends an account, all product listing will be cleared from the account and cannot be restored. Sellers can only re launch all products through third-party launch tools or in eBay seller center. In either way, it takes some time and energy to re launch these finished goods. If they are sold on multiple platforms, some sellers may even need to reconfirm the inventory status, not to mention the potential orders lost during this period.50 likes for Instagram,buy ins shares





该事件在Reddit(社交新闻论坛网站)引发了热议,许多卖家纷纷表示他们并没有违反任何规则就被无故封号。尽管 初的帖子已被删除,但还是有一部分卖家在此倾诉自己的不满。


小编✎   Irene/eBay123

