Instagram 粉丝关注 eBay即将推出“eBay Refurbished平台”!与亚马逊竞争二手翻新市场!get 50 like

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亿赢ins粉丝营销网获悉,据外媒报道,eBay正在准备推出eBay Refurbished平台,其将主要出售来自Apple、Samsung和Dyson等优质品牌或顶级卖家的翻新产品。



根据消费者研究机构Wakefield Research的一项调查显示,在今年购物旺季,62%的美国消费者想要购买翻新的电子产品,千禧一代成为推动该类别销售额增长的主要人群。此外,66%的美国人认为翻新商品也是支持可持续发展的一种方式。

According to a survey by Wakefield research, a consumer research organization, 62% of American consumers want to buy refurbished electronic products during the peak shopping season this year, and millennials have become the main driver of sales growth in this category. In addition, 66% of Americans believe that refurbished goods are also a way to support sustainable development.get 50 likes,daily ins likes

据了解,现在eBay翻新产品具有四个等级,按照商品的磨损程度来划分,分别是全新、极好、非常好、良好。而新平台eBay Refurbished的出现将加剧与亚马逊的竞争,亚马逊早于2017年就推出了Amazon Renewed翻新产品平台。

It is understood that eBay's refurbished products now have four grades, which are brand-new, excellent, very good and good according to the wear degree of the goods. The emergence of the new platform eBay reburbished will intensify the competition with Amazon, which launched the Amazon renewed refurbished product platform as early as 2017.get 50 likes,daily ins likes

小编✎  Nicole/亿赢ins粉丝营销网



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