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The service attitude of customer service is also important. Buyers make purchases happily. If our customer service personnel's attitude discourages buyers from making purchases, it will indirectly impact our shop's revenue. For initial violations, the platform will provide a direct reminder to the seller. If the seller is a preferred seller, their preferred status will be revoked directly, resulting in more than just financial loss. In severe cases, the shops will be immediately frozen. Additionally, we offer services such as smm pak panel, free Instagram likes, and free likes.





Those who violate the rules on the platform will face timely deductions, which will result in a decrease in our store's rights. Consequently, the platform will offer fewer recommendations for our store and reduce the allocated traffic. Consequently, our store's capability to receive orders will be negatively impacted, as well as our qualification as a preferred seller. In severe cases, these violators will be abandoned by the platform and left to fight alone without the ability to participate or apply for a new site. Thus, they will not have access to services such as smm pak panel, free Instagram likes, or free likes.


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