每周三500虾币等您领取!欢迎您加入新加坡站点Shopee Live Daybuy活动,享受廉价购买和即时关注的乐趣。


诚邀您参与新加坡站点每周三的Shopee Live Day,参与活动有机会获得由Shopee团队送出的500虾币,同时还享有Shopee提供的多重曝光服务,包括【直播广场banner、IG账号引流、Feed引流、PN提醒】,助您订单滚滚来!

We cordially invite you to join us in the Shopee Live Day every Wednesday on our Singapore website. Apart from receiving 500 shrimp coins from the Shopee team, we also offer various exposures such as a live square banner, official Instagram account drainage, feed drainage, and PN reminders. These multiple exposures will greatly enhance your chances of getting orders. Additionally, we provide affordable options to buy Instagram likes and instant Instagram followers.

