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面对这些费用以及平台与卖家之间日益恶化的关系,卖家开始考虑新的电商平台。Ethair Market是一个新兴的电商平台,其创始人认为eBay和Etsy更关心利润,而不是用户体验,因此他们设计并构建了一个具有相反理念的平台。

Faced with these costs and the deteriorating relationship between the platform and the seller, the seller began to consider a new e-commerce platform. Ethair market is an emerging e-commerce platform. Its founders believe that eBay and Etsy are more concerned about profits than user experience, so they designed and built a platform with the opposite idea.buy cheap IG followers,ins followers for cheap


Ethair Market旨在改善平台可以为其卖家提供的服务,其主要目标是支持其卖家及其运营。Ethair认为,如果卖家生意好,平台也能成长。




Ethair的 高销售佣金为8%,而eBay的佣金接近13%。据报道,Ethair的奖励机制使这种费用减少的幅度更大。每笔交易能够返还给卖家的2%的奖励,使有效的 终价值费用为6%,不到eBay的一半。

Ethair's high sales commission is 8%, while eBay's commission is close to 13%. It is reported that ethair's reward mechanism has made this cost reduction even greater. The 2% reward that can be returned to the seller for each transaction makes the effective final value fee 6%, less than half of eBay.buy cheap IG followers,ins followers for cheap




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